"Les Coquecigrues"

Manufactory Oberkampf Manufactory French

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The unknown designer of this printed cotton combined fantastical creatures (the "coquecigrues" of the title) with a brilliant palette and lush foliate patterns emulating Indian "chintz"– drawn and painted resist and mordant dyed cottons. This appealing block printed design must have proven popular as the Oberkampf manufactory continued to reproduce it on textiles across decades. Indeed, in 1818, three years after the death of the manufactory's founder, Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf (1738–1815), the design was updated with a white ground and used to decorate the bedroom of Oberkampf's adult daughter, Emilie, Mme. Jules Mallet.

"Les Coquecigrues", Oberkampf Manufactory (French, active 1760–1843), Cotton, French, Jouy-en-Josas

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