Wakashu (Male Youth) Dancer with a Fan


On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 227

With an elegant kimono, gentle facial features enhanced by a powdered complexion, and delicate hands, this figure may appear at first glance to be a female performer frozen in movement. The white kerchief covering the dancer’s hair, however, suggests that this is actually a male youth (wakashu) cross-dressed as a stylish woman. This was a common practice, especially on the Kabuki stage after 1629, when female actors were banned because it was thought that they were using theatrical performances as fronts for prostitution. Here, the wakashu dancer holds a golden folding fan, decorated with the red orb of the sun rising through suzuki grass.

Wakashu (Male Youth) Dancer with a Fan, Unidentified Artist, Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper, Japan

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