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    About The Met Around the World

The Met Around the World presents the Met’s work via the global scope of its collection and as it extends across the nation and the world through a variety of domestic and international initiatives and programs, including exhibitions, excavations, fellowships, professional exchanges, conservation projects, and traveling works of art.
The Met Around the World is designed and maintained by the Office of the Director.


The Met organizes large and small exhibitions that travel beyond the Museum's walls, extending our scholarship to institutions across the world. See our national and international traveling exhibition program from 2009 to the present.

Works of Art

The Met lends works of art to exhibitions and institutions worldwide to expose its collection to the broadest possible audience. See our current national and international loans program.


The preservation of works of art is a fundamental part of the Met's mission. Our work in this area includes treating works of art from other collections. See our national and international conservation activities from 2009 to the present.


The Met has conducted excavations for over 100 years in direct partnership with source countries at some of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Today we continue this tradition in order to gain greater understanding of our ancient collections. See our national and international excavation program from the Met's founding to the present.


The Met hosts students, scholars, and museum professionals so that they can learn from our staff and pursue independent research in the context of the Met's exceptional resources and facilities. See the activities of our current national and international fellows.

Exchanges & Collaborations

The Met's work takes many forms, from participation in exchange programs at partnering institutions and worldwide symposia to advising on a range of museum issues. These activities contribute to our commitment to advancing the work of the larger, global community of art museums. See our national and international exchange program and other collaborations from 2009 to the present.

There are currently no international activities in this region.
Excavations throughout Met History, 1870–present
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  • Purifying and Mourning the Dead, Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky

    New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III–Akhenaten, ca. 1390–1349 B.C.

    Charles K. Wilkinson (1897–1986, Egyptian Expedition Graphic Section), ca. 1930

    Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes

    Rogers Fund, 1930 (30.4.108)

  • Nakht and Family Fishing and Fowling, Tomb of Nakht

    New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Thutmose IV, ca. 1400–1390 B.C.

    Norman de Garis Davies (1865–1941, Egyptian Expedition Graphic Section); Lancelot Crane, Graphic Expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Francis Unwin (Egyptian Expedition Graphic Section)

    Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes

    Rogers Fund, 1915 (15.5.19e)

  • Carpenter Making a Chair, tomb of Rekhmire

    New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Thutmose III–Amenhotep II, ca. 1479–1400 B.C.

    Nina de Garis Davies (1881–1965, Egyptian Expedition Graphic Section)

    Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes

    Rogers Fund, 1931 (31.6.29)

  • Ipuy and Wife Receive Offerings from Their Children (substantially restored)

    New Kingdom, Ramesside, Dynasty 19, reign of Ramesses II, ca. 1279–1213 B.C.

    Norman de Garis Davies (1865–1941, Egyptian Expedition Graphic Section)

    Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes, Deir el-Medina (Deir el-Medineh)

    Rogers Fund, 1930 (30.4.114)

Thebes: The Graphic Section: Facsimiles of Egyptian Wall Paintings



The Graphic Section of the Metropolitan Museum Egyptian Expedition was established in 1907 for the purpose of recording ancient Egyptian wall paintings. To head this effort, the Museum hired Norman de Garis Davies, a British Egyptologist who had spent the previous nine years recording and publishing tombs at sites such as Tell el-Amarna in Middle Egypt.

The work of the Graphic Section was centered on the tombs of officials in the cemeteries of western Thebes on the west bank of the Nile opposite modern Luxor. In ancient times, this area had served as the burial site for Thebes, Egypt's southern capital. The royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, the tombs of officials, and those of the artists' village at Deir el-Medina provide the richest source of ancient Egyptian paintings preserved anywhere in Egypt.

Davies was assisted by a number of young artists, and by his wife Nina, who helped him develop a copying technique that almost exactly simulates the colors and brushstrokes preserved on the tomb walls. Although a few copies restore damaged areas of the originals, the majority are facsimiles, painted to scale (1:1), and showing areas of deliberate damage and accidental loss suffered over the millennia.

The tombs of officials in western Thebes cover a period of almost a thousand years, from the early Middle Kingdom to the late New Kingdom (ca. 2000–1100 B.C.). They preserve the distinctive painting styles of these important periods and the changes that occur from dynasty to dynasty and reign to reign. The scenes on the walls record burial practices and ceremonial events; they are also rich sources of information on the day-to-day activities of the ancient Egyptians and on the fauna and flora of the time.

The Museum's Graphic Section produced a number of publications on these tombs, illustrated with reproductions of the facsimiles, and with line drawings and photographs of the decoration. Members of the Graphic Section also painted selected scenes at a number of other sites, including the Museum's archaeological concessions at Lisht and Kharga Oasis. Between 1907 and 1941, some 350 facsimiles were painted, most of which are on view in the Museum's Egyptian galleries 132 and 135 (the lobby of Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium). These facsimiles are an important resource for the study of ancient Egyptian painting, and an invaluable record of the condition of the tombs in the early twentieth century.
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