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    About The Met Around the World

The Met Around the World presents the Met’s work via the global scope of its collection and as it extends across the nation and the world through a variety of domestic and international initiatives and programs, including exhibitions, excavations, fellowships, professional exchanges, conservation projects, and traveling works of art.
The Met Around the World is designed and maintained by the Office of the Director.


The Met organizes large and small exhibitions that travel beyond the Museum's walls, extending our scholarship to institutions across the world. See our national and international traveling exhibition program from 2009 to the present.

Works of Art

The Met lends works of art to exhibitions and institutions worldwide to expose its collection to the broadest possible audience. See our current national and international loans program.


The preservation of works of art is a fundamental part of the Met's mission. Our work in this area includes treating works of art from other collections. See our national and international conservation activities from 2009 to the present.


The Met has conducted excavations for over 100 years in direct partnership with source countries at some of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Today we continue this tradition in order to gain greater understanding of our ancient collections. See our national and international excavation program from the Met's founding to the present.


The Met hosts students, scholars, and museum professionals so that they can learn from our staff and pursue independent research in the context of the Met's exceptional resources and facilities. See the activities of our current national and international fellows.

Exchanges & Collaborations

The Met's work takes many forms, from participation in exchange programs at partnering institutions and worldwide symposia to advising on a range of museum issues. These activities contribute to our commitment to advancing the work of the larger, global community of art museums. See our national and international exchange program and other collaborations from 2009 to the present.

There are currently no international activities in this region.
Exchanges & Collaborations
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  • Senior executives of The Metropolitan Museum of Art including Director Thomas P. Campbell, President Emily K. Rafferty, Associate Director for Exhibitions Jennifer Russell, and Associate Director for Collections and Administration Carrie R. Barratt join GMLC participants for the opening session of the 2014 Colloquium.
  • David Lordkipanidze, Director of the Georgian National Museum (Tbilisi, Georgia) presents a case study to the GMLC and Met staff on developing a network of museums throughout Georgia.
  • Steven Sack, Director of the Origins Centre (Johannesburg, South Africa) and fellow participants participate in a GMLC focus session.
  • Agnieszka Morawinska, Director of the National Museum of Poland (Warsaw, Poland), Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Director of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, formerly the Prince of Wales Museum (Mumbai, india), and Andres Alvarez-Calderon, Director of the Museo Larco (Lima, Peru) in conversation during a GMLC focus session.
  • Mike Hearn, Douglas Dillon Chairman of the Department of Asian Art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes GMLC participants to the Museum’s Astor Court on opening day. Participants, from Left to Right: Agustin Arteaga, Director of Museo Nacional de Arte (Mexico City, Mexico), Renata Vieira da Motta, Director of the Museological Heritage Preservation Unit at the State Secretariat of Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil), and Victoria Noorthoorn, Director of Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
  • Thomas P. Campbell, Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, welcomes Stijn Huijts, Director of the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, Netherlands to the Met’s Astor Court on opening day of the 2014 GMLC.
  • Agnieszka Morawinska, Director of the National Museum of Poland (Warsaw, Poland), presents a case study on her museum.
  • GMLC Participants, from left to right: Heng Wu, Deputy Director of International Affairs at the Nanjing Museum, Gong Liang, Director of the Nanjing Museum, Amara Srisuchat, Director of the Department of Museums at the Thai Ministry of Culture in Bangkok, and Eriko Osaka, Director of the Yokohama Museum of Art in Japan.
  • Victoria Noorthoorn, Director of Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina) participates in a focus session on libraries and academic research.

2014 Global Museum Leaders Colloquium (GMLC)


April 2014

From April 7–18, 2014, The Metropolitan Museum of Art hosted the inaugural Global Museum Leaders Colloquium (GMLC) for 14 museum directors from countries around the world, including: Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, China, Georgia, India, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, and Thailand. The two-week forum offered participants a rare opportunity to discuss all aspects of museum operations—including curatorial research, collections management, conservation, fundraising, education, governance, and digital communications. Invitees engaged with members of the Met's curatorial, conservation, and administrative staff; visited cultural institutions in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.; and took part in an intensive series of dialogues about museum management, developing three proposals for international collaboration across the museum sector.

The GMLC further enhances The Met's already extensive international involvement and sets the stage for future collaborations. The program provides a much-needed opportunity for directors from diverse institutions to convene and exchange their ideas and expertise over an extended period of time. Through open dialogue and workshops, participants collaborate to envision viable approaches to challenges in museum leadership.

The first annual GMLC was hosted by the Office of the Director.
© 2012–2016 The Metropolitan Museum of Art