Press release

Metropolitan Museum Participates in 18th Annual "Day Without Art" Observance of World AIDS Day

The Metropolitan Museum of Art will participate in World AIDS Day for the 18th consecutive year by observing Day Without Art on Friday, December 1, 2006. In recognition of the devastating losses suffered by the cultural community as a result of AIDS, the Metropolitan will remove from view or shroud 16 objects around the Museum. Black ribbons will be tied around the flowers in the Great Hall. In addition, the Museum will lower the flags on its plaza to half-mast to symbolize the losses due to AIDS-related deaths in the art community.

Where works of art have been removed from view in the galleries, the following text will appear:

This work of art has been removed from view as part of the Museum's participation in Day Without Art, an international program to mark World AIDS Day. With this action, we hope to symbolize the profound social and cultural impact of the disease.

Many artists, collectors, and art historians, as well as employees, friends, and supporters of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, were among the millions of people who lost to AIDS. In addition, nearly forty million men, women, and children of all races, religions, ages, and sexual orientation are already infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

We mourn this tragedy and hope that our symbolic action will heighten the awareness of AIDS and help save lives in years to come. More information about AIDS is available in the Great Hall.

The works will be returned to view by Saturday, December 2.

In the Metropolitan's Great Hall, a staffed desk will distribute educational information about AIDS.

The Cloisters, the Metropolitan's branch museum for medieval art in Fort Tryon Park, will also participate in observing Day Without Art.

The list of the works removed from view will also be available in the Metropolitan's Great Hall for Museum visitors. Members of the media who wish to obtain the list in advance may call Naomi Takafuchi of the Communications Department at 212-650-2130.

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December 1, 2006

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