Press release

The Met Announces Museum Directors Selected for Third Global Museum Leaders Colloquium

(New York, April 4, 2016)— From April 11 to 22, 2016, The Metropolitan Museum of Art will host the third annual Global Museum Leaders Colloquium (GMLC) in New York. The 2016 colloquium will bring together 13 museum directors from around the world for an international dialogue about museum management.

“It has been gratifying to see the GMLC network expand over the past three years to include colleagues from all around the globe,” commented Thomas P. Campbell, Director and CEO of The Met. “This program continues to demonstrate how important it is for museum directors to learn from each other and develop a network of peer contacts. Along with my colleagues over the past two sessions, I have gained greater awareness of our common challenges and new insights into the work that we do. We have all come away energized by the diversity of our field and the innovations happening internationally in museums today.”

The 2016 GMLC participants include directors of national, municipal, and private museums. Together, these institutions attract a total attendance of more than four million visitors annually and their collections comprise nearly three million objects. With the exception of Brazil and South Africa, all of the countries represented are new to the colloquium. Including this year’s participants, the GMLC network consists of 41 museum leaders from 36 countries.

The 2016 GMLC participants, listed by country, are:

  • AUSTRALIA, Art Gallery of South Australia | Mr. Nick Mitzevich, Director
  • BHUTAN, Royal Textile Academy of Bhutan | Mrs. Pema Chhoden Wangchuk, Curatorial Director
  • BRAZIL, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP) | Mr. Adriano Pedrosa, Artistic Director
  • DENMARK, Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK) | Dr. Mikkel Bogh, Director
  • GREECE, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki | Dr. Polyxeni Adam-Veleni, Director
  • INDONESIA, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara (Museum MACAN) | Dr. Thomas J. Berghuis, Director
  • ITALY, Museo Nazionale del Bargello | Dr. Paola D’Agostino, Director
  • JERUSALEM, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Awqaf Administration | Dr. Yusuf Said Natsheh, Director of Tourism and Archaeology
  • LEBANON, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum | Mrs. Zeina Arida, Director
  • RUSSIA, The State Tretyakov Gallery | Ms. Zelfira Tregulova, Director General
  • SAUDI ARABIA, National Museum of Saudi Arabia | Mr. Jamal S. Omar, Director General
  • SOUTH AFRICA, Iziko Museums of South Africa | Ms. Rooksana Omar, Chief Executive Officer
  • ZIMBABWE, National Gallery of Zimbabwe | Mrs. Doreen Sibanda, Director
“One thing we have learned from past GMLC sessions is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing museums,” said András Szántó, a museum analyst and writer on arts institutions, and the colloquium’s moderator. “Yet accelerating change confronts directors with many similar challenges. As the GMLC network grows, we hope it can benefit museums globally by helping to share and exchange ideas across the field."

Over the course of 12 days, the GMLC provides a 360-degree view of current museum practices worldwide, placing a strong emphasis on institutional leadership and strategic problem-solving. A significant portion of the program is reserved for open dialogue among the invited directors, who present case studies on their institutions and meet in group workshops to address timely issues confronting museums and propose new models for collaboration. GMLC participants work with Met experts across all departments and make group site visits to cultural institutions around New York City.

The Global Museum Leaders Colloquium (GMLC) is made possible by Gilbert and Ildiko Butler.

Major support is provided by Jan and Marica Vilcek.

The program is also supported in part by the Terra Foundation for American Art and the Onassis Foundation (USA).

Follow #MetGMLC and @metmuseum on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to join the conversation.

The Met Around the World

The Met presents over 5,000 years of art from around the world for everyone to experience and enjoy. The Museum lives in three iconic sites in New York City—The Met Fifth Avenue, The Met Breuer, and The Met Cloisters. Millions of people also take part in The Met experience online. Since it was founded in 1870, The Met has always aspired to be more than a treasury of rare and beautiful objects. Every day, art comes alive in the Museum’s galleries and through its exhibitions and events, revealing both new ideas and unexpected connections across time and across cultures.

The Museum’s far-ranging international activities include loans of individual works of art and exhibitions, which travel to and from institutions around the world. Each year, The Met also takes part in hundreds of international conservation projects, excavations, fellowships, and other exchanges of scholars, researchers, and staff. Details about the Museum’s international activities can be found on the Met Around the World page of the website.

Please note:
The GMLC program is not open to the public. Press access to sessions will be limited.

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April 4, 2016

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