"Sudden Rain"

Ryōkan Taigu Japanese

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Ryōkan Taigu’s cursive script flows effortlessly, marked by sweeping, curving strokes that are suggestive of his eccentric persona. The characters within each column are intentionally misaligned, creating an undulating arrangement of forms. The central column stands out with its boldly enlarged characters. The poem explores his experiences as a wandering monk caught in a sudden downpour while begging:

今日乞食逢驟雨  暫時迴避古祠中
可咲一一囊与一鉢 生涯蕭灑破家風

Today, begging for alms,
I was caught in a rain shower.
For a moment,
I took shelter at an old shrine.
It is laughable that I only have
a sack and a bowl,
Living an unrestricted life
while being penniless.

"Sudden Rain", Ryōkan Taigu (Japanese, 1758–1831), Hanging scroll; ink on paper, Japan

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